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    The artist as a "visionary" has responsibility. Imagination and ideas aren't "free" - they have consequences. And as such, they underlie rigorous processes just like in any other discipline. Introspection, reflection, debate are just the foundation of it, the "artistic method" or the "artistic process" does not exist in a vacuum; the "inspiration" of an artist reveals their own mental constitution.


    on aesth/ethics_


    each person has a unique inner world with their own internal connections and threads between subjective and inter-subjective experiences, depending on their unique position as nodes within the universal web of life - and is often shaped by them to a degree where it forms a unique perspective onto the world, with specific intentions on how to take care of the world and improve one's surroundings_


    those intentions, experiences, concepts, and aesth/ethics are therefore not transferrable to other people, circumstances, or contexts. if, for example, a body of work is developed on an animist background, it can not be "transferred" onto dualistic worldviews. to do so would not only corrupt the person who attempts this, but it also violates the original content in its core foundation and integrity_


    on techne & its habitat_


    from the current situation of a planet dying of humanity's presence, we view technology as a crutch, sometimes hindering more than it helps (atrophy of subjective insight due to overtaking visual senses through the "black mirror" of the screen). we utilize it only as necessary for communicating and visualizing concepts where other forms of communication may not be developed enough in-between each other (for example, using a digital setup for tech-addicts versus actual experiences for those familiar with the natural space). the focus of all efforts should nonetheless always be to re-connect with natural spaces and abilities_


    the (post-)colonial capitalist situation_


    the reason for all this is the promise of the (post-)colonial capitalist world to gain without pain - replacing the (work and sex) slave with the (work and sex) robot in the name of infinite comfort and the dissociated promise of "heaven on earth" as a straight line from exploiting the earth, its lyve_forms and protectors for the short-lived narcissistic gratification of a few, like children who believe that everything is there to provide for them and entertain them, littering the planet with their broken toys, devoid of the ability to see beyond themselves. until an individual or a collective has faced mortality, supremacist indo-european ideologies reign as the mentality of an adolescent society destroying their own house_


    to be continued_

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